royal malewane
Lion after a feed

Lion after a feed

Mama and baby black rhinos

Mama and baby black rhinos





Lion cub

Lion cub

White rhino

White rhino



Blyde River Canyon

Blyde River Canyon

Jackie and Nik

Jackie and Nik

My room at Africa House

My room at Africa House

Malva pudding

Malva pudding

The Royal Malewane is exquisite. Ultimate luxury, friendly staff, expert guides, and stellar food. Highlights from our time there include seeing a baby lion cub, both black and white rhinos, and half of our group getting stuck during a downpour, even if it was a little miserable for some of the others.

It was marvelous spending time together in Africa House, and it was so interesting to see how different the landscape in this region was compared to Lebombo. The Royal Malewane is located in the heart of the Thornybush Game Reserve (very thick bush), while Lebombo is very open and mostly flat. 

Our guides at Royal Malewane were also Nic (Nicola) and Nik, funny that three out of four of our guides were named Nick, Nic, and Nik! With Nicola we saw the lion cub, two lions mating, and her favorite little bush frog; with Nik we saw a European Honey Buzzard, a pride of lions who had just chowed down on zebra, white and black rhinos, and a herd of approximately 300 buffalo. 

Our time at Royal Malewane also include a tour at the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre, a helicopter tour of the Blyde River Canyon, and a site inspection luncheon at Camp Jabulani.

Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre

This was a great time for us to get really close to the animals and learn a lot about various endangered animals. We saw a rescued baby rhino, king cheetahs, wild dogs, and a live feast at the “Vulture Restaurant.”

Blade River Canyon Helicopter Tour

I cannot believe that in the span of one year I have laid eyes on both the world’s largest canyon (Grand Canyon) and the third largest. In addition to being the third largest, the Blyde River Canyon is also the greenest canyon and brought even more tears of joy for me than the Grand Canyon did earlier this year. The canyon has many waterfalls and is incredibly lush, seeing it from a helicopter was epic.

Camp Jabulani

Beautiful lodge, exclusive elephant interactions, and MALVA PUDDING. << Learn about it.